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 getfat()                Get File Allocation Table Information

 #include   <dos.h>

 void           getfat(drive,fatblkp);
 unsigned char  drive;                   Specified drive
 struct fatinfo *fatblkp;                Pointer to structure

    getfat() gets information from the file allocation table for 'drive'.
    The information is stored in the 'fatinfo' structure pointed to by
    'fatblkp'.  'drive' is specified as 0 for the default, 1 for drive A,
    2 for drive B, and so on. The 'fatinfo' structure is defined as:

          struct fatinfo  {
               char fi_sclus;           /* Sectors per cluster */
               char fi_fatid;           /* The FAT id byte */
               int fi_nclus;            /* Number of clusters */
               int fi_bysec;            /* Bytes per sector */

       Returns:     Nothing

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
    The following statements get the file allocation table information
    for drive A: and reports the number of bytes on the disk.

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <dos.h>

               long drivebytes;
               struct fatinfo finfo;

               getfat(1, &finfo);
               drivebytes = finfo.fi_nclus;
               drivebytes *= finfo.fi_sclus;
               drivebytes *= finfo.fi_bysec;
               printf("Drive A: has %ld bytes\n", drivebytes);

See Also: getdfree() getfatd()
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